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Gazmtk (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Gazmtk (DayZ)

  1. Hi Emorelix,

    I don't know what corruption you are talking about? I feel I am pretty comfortable with all the Admin's on the server and yet they do not give me any special treatment nor do I see any unfair treatment either, its Dayz man, if you don't like the rules then don't play the game or go to another server?

    I have helped you in the game as you have helped me but I don't see why you are personally attacking MarvelXGirl? what has she done? Nothing that I can see or know of, she is always nice and caring to everyone she comes across and I can't think of a bad thing to say about her.

    Dayz is frustrating at times, but that's also what makes those life or death situations so exhilarating, yeh you have had a bad day on the server today,

    I lost all my gear this morning but hey its the game, my plan is just to head hunt for my gear back ;)

    anyway to anyone reading, this server is fine in my opinion, I suggest trying it before knocking it, its a community that actually cares and listens to what people are saying.

    that's my thoughts anyway,


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