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Posts posted by aVIOLATED+_-monkey

  1. I actually don't insist for the standalone's release ASAP, I just want to hear some news and more info about it. And wait, I think that's not only me...

    Thats all i want to, just a message to help reset my brain....anything.

    Rocket says:"We are a while off ,no deadline as yet, but the zombies look fucking awesome".

    Thats all i need :)

  2. Lol, OP realizes that the thread he made didn't make people admire his skillz, but instead revealed him for the coward he is- shooting those who can't fight back. Way to go, loser.

    Bigger the fuckwit bandits the better i say, thats what dayz is remember. I'm not a bandit but my god does it feel good to insult one of them by gutting them with a hatchet,

    or shooting them in the face. Everybody can't be good or chivalrous in the game or the game would become farmville forest walker 1.0 (which i think people are getting there now).

    I hate em, but we gotta have em.

    • Like 1

  3. Will there be a december dev blog report?

    No because that irresponsible drug dealer wont check his fiends......playing other games now anyhow :(.....

    Dont like getting treated like shit this early in development feels a bit like EA......Im sure im not alone when i say not everyone gets time off at christmas, especially someone

    on the precipice of something great.....seems soft as shit for an army man.

    Note: If its BI or Steam shutting you down right now, apologies and fuck them for being greedy standard game devs.

    If not read above.

    • Like 1

  4. Lol this is why I love dayz the variety of play styles and the players interpretation of how to survive a zombie apocalypse with the tools given to them.

    Thats right, some peoples interpretation of survival is taking all the risk elements out and surviving.

    While other peoples interpretation of survival on a zombie apocalypse game may be to fight for survival wih all the risk that comes........even hackers.......but its hard to see a line between hackers and

    nerfers,both cant handle the game laid before them and change it to suit.

    • Like 1

  5. Wow guys listen I play a white listed basic server we have fun we adventure in to town in groups and survive the game I know what your all talking about as well as pass time by playing wasteland until What I really am looking forward to is released.. Please refrain from taking your frustrations out on me as I simply surmised as to why this could be by giving my reasoning.

    Please dont get upset about us venting our frustration about your playstyle, on a topic about the frustration of your playstyle :)

    • Like 1

  6. And bandits join you around campfires to sing kumbaya.

    Or optionally form a perimeter with overwatch and rape said bandit, thats dayz isnt it?

    Everyone here should try dayz 2017, you can download it at opendayz and it makes the game so much more hardcore, where stuff takes a while to get.

    Yep its very nasty and visceral....good times:)

    • Like 1

  7. The thing is we are all having fun with added vehicles and weapons until SA comes out, I mean do you really want to spend hours and days building up your base collecting your gear to get some hacker destroy everything?

    I am playing a private white listed server and now wasteland because I do not see the point what so ever putting hours on end in to a version of the game I will soon stop playing when SA is released.

    If there was a solution to the hacking it would not be the case.. We all know why the game has been made easier by admins because its just as easy for hackers to destroy all you have built up.

    Thats the problem, its about the adventure, not the inventory list of the extra gear for the war your not going to fight.

    • Like 2

  8. Major beans mate, everyone is nerfing our lovely adrenaline dumping game into a tier 1 weapon carrying, scared of the dark,couldnt be fucked to walk pack o pussies.

    Please can the SA have PVE worth banding together against and not fall to the common denominator of no hardship.

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