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Posts posted by sjakie1945

  1. This is a problem that, regretfully, there is nothing anyone can do about. 

    No matter what the devs do, they can't control how the gamma is set. They can remove the setting from the game altogether and make everyone use the same setting and people can still change it outside the game. 

    I refuse to up mine at night and stick with my flashlight, even if that puts me at a disadvantage. It's just the way I like to play. Some people are sooks and have to have night vision or whatever advantage they can take outside the game itself.


    They should give the players a chance... after they installed it...(or after a certain patch), they should be able to set it up... after that.. they have to reinstall the game(doesnt take very long?) and set the gamma how they want it... its not that hard. They should have the main screen to have an example of how it looks like.

  2. I know your new, but the fact that everyone can change the gamma doesn't make it ok.

    The reason it's not ok is because when a person wants to experience nighttime the way it was intended, they are now at a disadvantage because they know someone else out there will 90% of the time have there gamma up. If you have your gamma set right, all turning up the brightness at night does is basically what your eyes do IRL when they adjust to the darkness. But gamma upping at night is ridiculous, play in the daytime if you don't like the night.

    Well it's not because people don't like the dark so they turn it up to see, it's that they know no one is on those servers so they use them to farm loot.

    So until private hives come were gamma can be locked or auto adjusted when joining that server or something along those lines,not sure whats available to a server host.

    Night time is ruined for the ones that like it the way it was intended....dark.


    This idea may not be the best, but it's actually not bad.

    Re-installing a game on Steam is not that big a deal.

    How often are you going to be doing that?

    Doesn't take that long to download 5 gigs.

    The only way it would be infuriating IMO is if you were re-installing it to adjust your gamma every time you played at night.

    So this idea is actually a really goods one.



    I cant wait until something like this happens because NT in DayZ is a whole different game in terms of how you need to shift your style of game play to survive and see.

    Way more intense IMO, and when more features get added like cooking, camping, and hunting this game will have alot more reasons to play at night other than to find loot with your gamma cranked.


    This is what I was trying to say..


    Why would you not play the game how it is intended to be played? They added flashlights for a reason. I think with this, a lot of gamma-abuse can be stopped. There will always be a handful of people that will reinstall the game and would prefer the shitty daytime graphics with gamma on full but, most of the people will play the game how it`s supposed to be played.

    The gameplay will be different, and NVG`s have a purpose, cause i could see the same stuff a guy with NVG`s would be able to see.

    Maybe let the admin on the server decide what the darkness should be...


    I do agree with the other guys said about the darkness and moonlight. I think we should be able to see a little bit more, but not to the point that we dont need flashlights anymore....


  3. novogeek, on 17 Feb 2014 - 2:37 PM, said:

    What happens if you change your GFX Card or get a new Monitor?


    The easiest way to counter this is as follows:

    • When a player connects notify all other players that they have a changed Gamma Setting. (i.e. Player Bob connected with a Gamma of 1.75).
    • Allow admins to set a max gamma setting for their server (almost like max ping) and inform the player they need to change their gamma back down to the level before they can start playing.


    Not sure if this would be viable ... but anyway.


    Its not like u change your GFX card or monitor every single day, so, the reinstall isn`t that big of a deal, in my opinion. But I think you suggestion to this problem is good... give the admin right to set a max.. and they can just add a little gamma and brightness to it, but now full like it is now.

  4. Ok, so my idea was, that you should only be able to set the brightness and gamma once, after u installed the game. If u set it too high... you can see at night, but daytime will be horrible. If u set it normal, it would be nice at day, but not easy to see at night, thus u need a flashlight...

    This way people cannot get an easy advantage over other people or they have to reinstall the game entirely. I don`t think a lot of people would do that. And it will take a long time before they would get in the server where they want to play with that advantage.

    So, what do u guys think? It will be more challenging to play at nighttime and I think we all benefit from this.


    • Like 1

  5. Did anyone play the best Dayz Mod ever... Dayzero... Well balanced, almost 0 hackers... They didn`t add stupid buildings but integraded it into towns and airfields and it feld really solid. They also got the mod to another level performance wise. ... Anyone with me?! :| They should definetly bring out mods for us... But i hope people dont fuck up like in 'Overwatch or Breaking Point'...

  6. SEC9 VANDEL, on 07 Feb 2014 - 12:36 AM, said:



    also in response to the M4 being inaccurate... Most of you saying it is, probably couldn't hit anything past about 150 yards in real life with one anyways...I don't think its that bad at all.


    I can easily hit a target at 300meters with an m4.. been in the army.. the problem is that you shoot.. bullet hits left of the target.. aim for exact same spot, shoot again and the bullets hits right of the target... it is not like that in real life!!

    There is no dispersion in reallife!!


    • Like 4

  7. Listed Mad, on 06 Feb 2014 - 5:06 PM, said:

    well he did say that they made the change thnx to the the OP of that link


    It`s not about the ballistics, but the accuracy of some guns... i mean.. you should be able to shoot at a target 100m away... first shot lands to the left..ok possible.. so you aim at the exact same spot that you fired last, and then you hit the ground to the right of the target.. so that`s a problem, more accuracy, maybe more sway, but no spread, cause that doesn`t make sense at all.

    • Like 2

  8. rocket, on 06 Feb 2014 - 12:52 PM, said:


    • Weapons: Ballistic parameters of all projectiles tweaked for more realism (special thanks to Gews for his great analysis on weapon characteristics)



    So Rocket.. are you making the M4 more accurate, how it should be, maybe add more sway instead of the spread? Or only the ballistics?



    Please bring it back to the gunplay like we had in Arma 2! That`s how everyone would want it.

