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Posts posted by zatoichi

  1. Dean Hall: Ya, it’s going to be by the end of the year. The exact date is going to depend on a few things though. What the stand alone is going to be is a foundation build. I’m trying to get away from calling it an alpha or a beta. It’s not going to be a true alpha in the sense that it’s actually going to be built off of a finished game. But we’ll have something released and it’s going to be released digitally.
    - you are now reading the above quote in a Valley Girl accent.

    I'm really starting to dislike the misuse of the alpha/beta testing stages lately. Either to rush the game out the door before it's finished and/or hide behind the alpha/beta state so you can trade on the promise of what may come, rather than what actually exists. On the surface, Rocket appears to be moving away from that kind of "marketing", but is the actual game just going to follow the same release pattern? Rolling updates like we have with DayZ mod?

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  2. I don't know why everyone raves about ArmA II's graphics, they're nothing spectacular, even on highest settings 1080p.

    It's the size of the world/number of objects/draw distance that makes the visuals impressive. A lot of the current games that have fantastic graphics are doing an awful lot less.
