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Posts posted by koldhaart

  1. If you ask me, any heli is easy to fly without the tail rotor (VRotor) as long as you have the space to get it up. If I were to remove a part with the intent to keep it grounded, it'd be the engine and main rotor.

    Engine because without that it won't go, and the main rotor because it's a pain for someone else to find.

    That's only if I intend on going back to it. If I just wanted to keep it grounded permanently without wasting ammo/time on it, I'd remove fuel parts and leave it running. Not sure if they leak with the parts gone but it's significantly less efficient I know.

    I fully agree here a helo with a broken TR is easy enough to use after a few tries your best off crash landing it fella, yes more work to repair but this can sometimes deter would be looters!

  2. Me and my CO-OP partner Valyk were doing a run of Cherno, we were both armed with M4 SD's so as you could imagine we were taking it nice and slowly making sure that we didnt anger any nearby would-be attackers.


    We found ourselves by some industrial and we notcied a peripheral dot on the otherside of the wall, we were both talking over Steam chat and were pretty much trying to decide what we would do, after a few moments of deliberation I stuck my head round the corner expecting a 12 gauge. in the face or something of the likes!


    Turns out it it was a fucking rabbit; WITH ITS SHARP POINTY TEETH!!!!!


    **Queue any Monty Python jokes you can muster!**


    There wasn't a player or zeds for at least 150m!!!

  3. First tent that I found was around a year ago whilst wondering round it was a little north of Kamenka, turns out this tent was a hackers tent and had the joys of every item in the game!


    So following getting kitted out I continued my trek north as now I had a full set of gear and some nice weapons and thought a straight shot for NEAF was the best bet. Shortly after this find, around 150-200m ahead I found another 4 tents with exactly the same sort of loot in it, safe to say I left this server behind as I really didn't want to continue on this server clearly was Hacker Central!

  4. Ok then here we go....

    I had just recently spawned in the god forsaken hell hole that is Kamenka so I started my jog a long the coast after some 10-15 mins of running I encountered a bus that was in good condition, so I hopped in and floored it to Cherno as there had been some location revealing chatter over comms.

    Upon arriving in Cherno I see a group of about 4-5 guys hanging around one of those VW Golf looking things and assumed they were trying to fix it up, so with this in mind I do a sharp turn onto the grass where they were and slammed the bus directly into the group!

    Two of then were killed in the collision two more lying there broken, battered and bruised...

    The car was left smoking and the bus in tact so using some excellent hit and run tactics I sped off into Cherno where I hit a road block and took out one of the wheel on the bus.

    It was at this point shit was going to hit the fan as I assumed these guys would hunt me down after a few minutes of scrambling round I found the weapon of the gods...... A trusty axe!

    Following this I did an immediate uturn and set course for the crime scene and to my surprise there was still one guy sitting there repairing the car. I initiated conversation with the guy which went something like this....

    Yo dude you ok? I saw that crazy fucker in the bus....

    Yeah I'm ok just wanna fix this and get outta here....

    No worries I'll lend a hand if you can give me a ride...

    Ok help me find another wheel...

    It was at this point he turned back to fix up the motor and was somewhat shocked when I found the wheel and pit it on the floor behind him.... Then sunk my axe into his face looted his and his buddies bodies grabbed the wheels then did off!!

    I did feel guilty but by the time I got out of Cherno this was overcome with a sense of achievement as I had single handedly wiped out this minor clan!

    Safe to say I got some major abuse over comms but who had all their stuff, and I never saw them again!

  5. Ok then ladies and gents, bambis and pros!


    Here is one of my favourite stories, the following events took place on my custom Dayz Epoch server and it all started a little like this.....


    Me and one of my fellow survivors (Valyk) decided to take a ride out in the Blackhawk and took a little trip over Devil's Castle, which on our server is a Soldier Base!


    Everything was going smoothly until we came under fire and took a clean shot to our engine block!


    We were going down......


    I quickly even her out and cut the engines and smashed to the floor in what could be called a poor attempt at a crash landing, safe to say we made it out of the crash alive but came under immediate fire from around 7-8 soldiers armed with small arms and some heavier bits of kit (Mk48's and M8 Series weapons) we dove for cover within the castle taking a few pot shots in the mad panic.


    We regrouped behind a wall which was the only thing between us an a shit load of fire, at this point we decided to take a flank each and move in a pincer movement to get our revenge.


    Valyk moved off to the right and stuck around to cover him, turns out I have some frags and smokes in my pack so I launch a couple of smokes over the wall follwed by a frag which subsequently nailed 3 soldiers causing mass panic!


    We then moved into flanking positions and nailed the remaining soldiers with our M8's, I would love to say we made it out with the Hawk intact but this was lost during the fire fight (Nothing to do with some frags getting thrown into the mix!).


    At this point me and Valyk were pretty amused and had a certain sense of acheivement until.......


    A hail of bullets collided with the wall about 1m behind us, we hit the dirt and hit it hard!


    A second hail of bullets came across smashing my leg in two forcing me to roll back into cover, at this point Valyk came and saved my ass with morpheine and blood bags!


    At this point we used better jusdgement and got the hell out of dodge!


    I hope you guys have enjoyed this little tale and I have a whole load more, let me know if you want to hear some more!!!


