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Posts posted by machomanugget

  1. Due to the sheer amount of shit-posts I may have missed it, but did anyone mention zombies not dying after being shot?

    I've shot this zombie over 5 times the other day and he didn't die. Maybe server lag? I've heard similar things happening.

    Forgot to mention, should have been a 1-shot kill with revolver.

    pistols hae been uber nerfed.. 1911 and the revolver is 10 times worse now than it was..

    • Like 1

  2. Am I the only one who thinks DayZ is going to become unplayable? I mean, there's a fine line between realism and having a good time. I've already had enough friends quit DayZ because it's becoming an overly-realistic simulator. Having the respawn button disabled is going to be a bitch. It's already hard enough to get to where you want to spawn as is. Personally, I think we should be at least able to select a spawn. Then (and only then) I can deal with the respawn being disabled. Why aren't we able to pick a spawn? It would make the mod so much easier to play with friends. Which, let's face it, most people do play with friends. I believe we're only delaying the inevitable. Some people are just going to run into a bunch of zombies so they can respawn. That's what I would do...

    you shouldnt have the choice to spawn where you want ever,

    If you want to meet up with someone travel from where you spawn to them

    • Like 1

  3. Hey guys was reading the gamespy site for the first time in about 10 years..

    came accross this and news from Mr 2Guns "apparently" sounds alot different to what we have been hearing before, also what about arma3? wierd stuff none the less...

    Headline of the item is

    Arma 2 Mod DayZ on "Borrowed Time" Could Become Paid Standalone Game By Christmas

    read more here including

    designer Dean Hall, who says he won't be able to dedicate the time and effort needed to accommodate DayZ's nearly 1-million strong and growing community for much longer

    Hall said that, with financial backing, he could add the required elements and make the DayZ transition in a few months and "certainly before Christmas


    Thoughts? fears ? worrys? arma3?


  4. Welcome to the UK11 Server thread, MaChOMaN's UK Survival server.

    Greeting guys,

    UK11 Has now moved to a private HIVE... DayZChernarus - ( - (UTC) - (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) - UK11 MaChOMaNS Asylum UK (Vilayer Hive) | Vilayer.com

    You can expect all the same commitment and service as before, we had a top 20 EU dayz server but due to the constant hacker targeting of the past 2 weeks i have been forced to move the server to a private HIVE... After trying to keep up with all the latest scripts/hacks/bypasses this was draining my time and my will to live...

    We have taken this decision as what we where experiencing was totally out of order and just shows in full the retarded amount of people hell bent on ruining everyones fun... Our top notch community has embraced this change and we look forward to the future and the release of a standalone dayz...

    Untill then our server will remain on a private hive open to everyone and with the latest updates and new playable maps and good fair server settings..

    with the latest fight against hackers proving ok.. we hope we can build the server to the same height as the official UK 11 server..

    Any further details can be found here http://www.facebook....oMaNsDayzServer

    Many thanks


    Server Settings are as follows..

    • Difficulty: Regular
    • Player Slots: 40
    • 3rd Person View: On
    • Auto Aim: Off
    • Auto Spot: Off
    • Tags: Off
    • Crosshair: On
    • In-Game Voice: On
    • High ping kick 170ms

    Server Rules are as follows

    • No Cheating
    • No racial or abusive comments
    • No voice spam
    • No exiting the server from PvP or other game exploits alt+f4
    • No 20 minute plus idling in the lobby
    • Admins will not kick to make room for community members
    • Have fun and play fair !

    We have our own dedicated Teamspeak 3 server for use ingame if prefered IP:

    - Password via message here or facebook

    We also have our own facebook community and can be found at http://www.facebook....oMaNsDayzServer

    We also have a steam community group MaChoMaNS DayZ Server (MDayZ)

    Admins can be contacted 24/7 with any issues or problems with the server at MaChOMaN@btconnect.com (Donations also)

    If you want your own server as good as ours for good prices please goto our server sponser here http://www.vilayer.c...aff.php?aff=045

    We would also like to say thank you to Rocket- for the MOD the DayZ forum guys and Lee and Johnny from Vilayer for all there help

    Many thanks for your time and have fun :)

  5. I bet I will get another warning for this but things have to be said. The private Hive Server Community is growing with each day there are more and more private servers. This is a clear sign that people are not longer willing to host official servers under the current conditions. Yes its nice to support this mod, yes it makes me feel good and yes im proud to be part of this project. But in fact that the success of this project is based on volunteers Dayz Staff should rethink the way they treat hosts. There are strict rules, they are needed with 50000 players connected to one database, there is no way around it and I have no problem to follow them as long as things dont start being unfair and distressfull. There is no help coming from the side of the Devs, no troubleshooting guides, every question is asked 1000 times here, people have to beg days or weeks to get access to the Admins IRC or Google group, there is no communication when updates are released no list of new bugs and fixes nothing. You want help to catch a hacker? Write your own parser and false positive ban some innocents because you get no replys on your questions regarding scripts, and if you ask a staff member to parse your logs with his parser you get a harsh negative answer...if you get an answer at all. There is too much arrogance and nearly no support from the Staff to keep Hosts pleasured while on the other side every single user comes here crying about his miserable life and call us names. It is still us who pay the bills that should never be forgotten!

    On the other side you have those who release private Hives, they have either well made tutorials or even full installing services. Its idiot proof and the possibilities are unlimited in fact you are no longer restricted to run nothing but DayZ. They even support server networks like the "real" Hive. I understand why so many ppl choose that option, its luring.

    you hit the fucking nail on the head there mate,

  6. Server has been fine since day one never had any issues...

    also given the chance to run the latest files as soon as there up..

    i heard the main problem is all these people that dont have a clue what to do breaking there servers causing massive backlog in tickets and help.. idea stop messing with it? lol

    As for you cortax go to another company see how fast it gets set up there then moan... jesus christ 5 hours and you moaning already just after one day? good luck getting a refund for that lol.

  7. Hey guys,

    After searching for answers and chatting in the IRC channel, just wanted to ask here, see iff anyone can help..

    At the minute i have my server running 93965 A2 beta... everything works as it should with this patch..

    After hearing all the stoires of lost gear and or spawn problems / loading issues i decided to leave it on that as i heard more hotfixing and another patch will be released soon to get it sorted..(cant find anything on when this is coming)

    I have the option now to update the server to;

    DayZ v1.7.2 & ArmaOA94444


    DayZ v1.7.2 & ArmaOA94444 Contingency (hotfix/patch)

    Can anyone give me any idea if its worth updateing to either of these or just wait now till the patch is released and the latest arma2 beta patched in( 94700).. i thought this would be out by now? i went to the beta irc channel but got told nobody had spoke in there for 12 hours and there was no news on the update being released?

